AND +376 644 888 | FR +33 422 138 161  |  EN +44 20 3445 6040 CONTACT@FORTUNAE.CAPITAL






How Fortunae Capital can help you ?

Fortunae Capital and their partners in finance can help you to manage your wealth at any moment of your personal and/or company life. This is a full delegation so you will be free to do anything else of your time. The experience of our company and our partners can help you to grow your wealth but also to optimize the taxation of your profits along all your life and the life of your children or other beneficiaries. The products offered by our partners are flexible and can be fully customized depending on your goals and lifestyle.

What sets you apart from traditional life insurance financial investments ?

The alternative life insurances from our fund partner are unique because they are uncorrelated from the different trends (bull, bear, range markets). They mainly profit from the volatility and the higher the volatility is the more performance those contracts historically make based on our fund partner data. Current markets are incertaints which means higher volatility which means higher potential performance on the life insurances contracts.

How many years of experience does the hedge fund partner have ?

2008 is the year in which our partner hedge fund’s team of traders began their careers. It was therefore during the subprime crisis, a year of high volatility, that these traders began to evolve. At that time, they worked in a prestigious European hedge fund. This therefore represents 15 years of trading experience.

Given the current market uncertainty, why would investing in your strategies be more profitable than investing by ourselves in crypto or stock exchange ?

The current markets are incertaints for many reasons:

  • Very high inflation
  • Current Russian-Ukraine war
  • Other potential wars
  • Potential recession
  • Social crisis

Actors who invest in a directional strategy will not win much and can potentially lose. With the alternative strategy of our family office partner that you can benefit from, results of performance could be very profitable because they will trade the volatility of the markets no matter the direction of the market.

Why Fortunae Capital is registered in Andorra ?

Indeed, Fortunae Capital is based in the Andorra pincipality. Initially based in France, we wanted to move in another country with an alleged tax system and compliant with all the European standards thanks to all the Andorran conventions. Moreover, the distance between us and our European customers is perfect because Andorra is in the middle of Europe. With those higher margins, we plan to build all the systems and tools required to allow our investors to have a modern and easy access to the investments offered by our partners.

Why the minimum duration of a Family Office contract is 12 months ?

Our fund partner has a very complex strategy based on mathematics which helps to manage the risk of your contract. In order to protect your capital, a minimum of 200 days of trading (12 months) is required. The rule is simple: the longest the period is, the more profitable and secure your contract can be. So if you want to get the best risk/reward ratio on your contract, we recommend you to choose the longest period of time, for example 5 years. But, you can expect good results with your account and have your money available after 1 year if you need it anyway.

Where are you registered and are you a regulated financial company ?

Fortunae Capital is registered and regulated as an intermediary company in wealth management in the Andorra Principality. Fortunae Capital decided to create a strong partnership with a fund in order to seperate roles in this group of companies. Please visit the page about us if you want to know more about the genesis of this service.

The financial hedge fund that will manage the money of the investors is registered in United Kingdom. Being fully compliant with all laws and regulations of this country is harder than the USA. The regulator in charge is the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and the process to obtain the approval has been long but gives a proof of professionalism to our investors. Among the subjects that has been verified are: demonstration of adequate financial resources, appropriate staff, secured systems and controls in order to manage the fund properly. For example, Hedge funds may be monitored for up to a year after approval. This oversight includes rules related to the conduct of business, financial records and reporting, compliance, and complaints, etc …

Our main goal here is to build trust with our customers, by showing them in a transparent manner, who and how we are regulated, and finally enjoy their investments experience with our group.

Who guarantees the capital ?

Our hedge fund partner is registered in United Kingdom because it is highly regulated and transparent. The guaranteed capital displayed on this website are secured by the fund partner which has the obligation to follow every rules of the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)This means that you can seize this authority for any problem related to your funds. Managing a fund from UK is more complicated than the USA, but we chose this jurisdiction in order to secure assets and build trust as much as possible with investors worldwide.

How with a guaranteed capital of 95%, can we announce a return between 8% to 12%?

Having a guaranteed capital of 95% means that our fund partner will take 5% of risk on your account. It also means that you will have 95% of your capital back at the end of the period (12 months minimum) in the worst case scenario. Always remember that having profits on your contract means taking some risks of capital loss, free money does not exist. Regarding the return of 8% to 12% announced, this is an expected performance based on the historical data that the traders of the fund partner have made for the last 5 years. On average, traders are making 5% of performance for 5% of risk taken (ratio 1:1), the quality of a trader is measured when the % of performance is higher than the % of risk taken (Example: ratio 1:2 which is the case of our fund partner traders team). But we warn you that past performance is no guarantee of future performance.

What recourse for the client in the event of non-achievement of the expected return?

For example, an investor chooses a life insurance with an expected return of 8% to 12%. Three months before the end of the period of 12 months, the actual return is 4%. If this investor is disappointed, he can terminate his contract and his capital we be sent back to him following the usual procedure. Fortunae Capital can set up a meeting with a trader of the fund if he wants more detailed explanations on the performance of his contract. We want to inform you that the markets are differents every year, and even if the fund is doing its best to stabilize the returns, some years can be lower or higher than the expected performance.

Is the return gross or net of the 2% management fees ?

The expected returns displayed everywhere are gross of the 2% of management fees. This amount of fees is very common among hedge funds, indeed, they are used for internal operations and deliver the best possible service to investors. Those fees are shared by Fortunae Capital and its fund partner.

The minimum amount of capital to start is 100 000$, why is that ? And how can try your services if I don't have that amount ?

The performance that our partners offers are dependant on two main factors: the minimum duration and the minimum amount of capital for each account. If those requirements are not met, the contract will become too risky so they will never accept to work this way. Nevertheless, we fully understand that this is a big amount to start working together so we have two solutions that will come later on our platform.

First, we will build a testing account system. So we will credit fake money in you own account and you will be able to experience our services as if you were investing real money. You will be able understand and feel better how it works.

Secondly, we plan to create some fractional pools allowing any investor with a minimum of 500$ to enter a pool with others to reach at least the minimum of 100 000$ in order to activate the work on it. We are currently working to get the certifications from authorities to allowed to build the technological systems and offer it to customers. As soon as it will be ready, we will let you know.

What are the management and trading fees ?

The management fees of 2% are a fixed percentage of the amount of capital under management. Fortunae Capital and its fund partner use them to cover the operational costs of our companies.

The trading fees are a variable percentage of the profit generated on the contracts. If the contract is not making any profits, Fortunae Capital and its fund partner earn zero. This percentage is defined with each investors before the inception of their contract. Those fees are used to expand our teams and improve services provided to customers. For example the fund partner will hire new traders and Fortunae Capital will hire new developpers to consolidate its fractional pool technology.

Why the fund partner works 200 effective days annualy ?

The fund partner has set up annual trading strategies based on exactly 200 days. As the financial markets are closed on Saturdays and Sundays, the number of working days is between 250 and 255 depending on public & bank holidays. The fund’s safety margin (250 – 200 = 50 <=> 25% of the 200 effective trading days) exists for the following reasons: vacation periods, illnesses, exceptional absences. This justifies that real human traders manage the contracts and the fund risk manager adapts to this unlike automatic trading robots. All mathematical models are calibrated on these 200 annual trading sessions, as is risk management.

The stock market is filled with individuals who know the price of everything, but the value of nothing.

Phillip Fisher
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Source: Forbes


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 +376 644 888


 +33 422 138 161


 +44 20 3445 6040

FORTUNAE CAPITAL • Carrer Pau Casals 8 Ed. Cornella 2, 2º, 1ª • AD500 • Andorra La Vella • Andorra
Denominacio social: HEXACONCIL, SLU • Num. registral: 21171 • Numero de Registre Tributari: L-716261-G

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